Felix The Cat Wiki

Pedigreedy is a 1927 Felix the Cat short produced by Pat Sullivan.


Felix, dressed up for a big evening out, finds a pedigree is necessary for admission to an exclusive barn-yard night club. Consequently, he makes up, out of his own mind, the story of his wonder ancestors. From the story, as Felix tells, it appears that his two oldest ancestors on the Ark not only supplied the seamanship aboard that crowded boat but also, in time of distress, rescued Noah from a watery grave.

Later, to hear Felix relate it, an early Egyptian grandfather taught Rameses the Charleston and thereby ascended to the throne after the king’s sudden demise from over exertion. Then the black cat describes how a somewhat later progenitor illustrated, with a well-thrown brick, the rotundity of the earth, thereby convincing his hearer, Christoforo Columbo, of that fact. And to top it all, Felix digs up a family tree and is duly elected to membership in the club.
