Felix The Cat Wiki

Icy Eyes is a 1927 Felix the Cat short produced by Pat Sullivan.


Felix, just plodding along, thinks he spies his ideal in lady cats, and on seeing that she is headed for the pond to skate, he goes along. Felix does his best to make a hit with her but she fails to notice his skating technique. Then the object of his affections falls into the icy water and is bravely saved by Felix, who proposes with fervor.

But he is rejected with icy eyes. The black cat is down-hearted but determined to make good in the eyes of his girl friend. Felix spots a crook and his trained crow both on their way to purloin some valuables. The cat follows the pair, watches the crow fly to a jewel-laden bureau, gobble the gems and fly away. Then he discovers the loot inside of an egg.

The crooks flee in an auto but Felix, by using his customary ingenuity, captures the two. Kitty, the lady cat, hears of the fame and wealth which has come to Felix and sends for him. But she has grown stout, and he now is spurned with icy eyes.
