Felix The Cat Wiki

Felix Hunts the Hunter is a 1926 Felix the Cat short produced by Pat Sullivan.


Felix is ​​acting as pointer for a big game hunter. He separates himself from your master in the jungle. The hunter camps and goes to sleep for the night on the back of a hippopotamus that he mistook for a rock. When the hippopotamus emerges at dawn, he takes the hunter along on his back, delivering his cargo to a conclave of animals.

The lion, leader of the animals, divides the nimrod's belongings between your gang. Consequently, when Felix, looking for his master, spots the animals, he sees several of the hunter's belongings draped over the strangers. A pelican eats the soap and starts to release bubbles. A leopard smokes until he is dizzy from the hunter's tobacco, as a crane comes out wearing his pants.

Finally, an ostrich swallows a pistol, which explodes inside the bird, bullets being scattered in all directions through the beak, killing all the animals inside of range. When the animal massacre is over, Felix calmly gathers the beasts, goes to the hunter with them and claims all the credit.
